
Hot Topics - Professional Development (redirected from Hot Topics March 23 8am)

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Professional Development in Limited Technology Environments

March 23, 2017, 8:00 am-9:20 am 


To join this live event, click here

Recording: https://youtu.be/suXfRBG_1Fc


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 

Christel Broady

Mary Allegra

Monica Fernandez

Pedro Escalante

Building Capacity for CALL Professional Learning and Growth in Countries with Struggling Economies and Limited Resources: A Replicable Model of Success
Introduction of a sustainable capacity-building model of CALL training using the principles the Professional Learning Communities that can be replicated in other nations with similar economic and technological infrastructure issues by deliberately planning a train-the-trainer model that can deliver CALL knowledge from the bottom up in all ELT situations.
 slide presentation

Bee Jenkins

Amy Nunamaker

Heidi Howland

Curtis Chan

John Mark King 

Adaptable Accessibility: Best Practices for Ed Tech in Low-Tech Environments  Learn how to make your courses not only accessible, but also adaptable. This presentation will walk participants through best practices for online programs whose participants come from and teach in varying technological contexts. Participants will learn about responsive instructional design that is suitable for both browsers and mobile devices.  Slide Presentation 



Presenter Bios: 

Christel Broady:

Dr. Christel Broady is a professor of graduate education, the chair of graduate advanced programs, and director of the ESL teacher education at Georgetown College, USAShe is an internationally known keynote speaker and author of books/book chapters, articles, and many other publication types, as well as the manager of an international ELT Professional Learning Community with members in 179 countries via social media onn Facebook, BLOG, LinkedIn, and Twitter. A recipient of many awards and honors, she is the past president of the Kentucky TESOL, former chair of theTESOL EEISand current CALL steering board member.  AnCAPE/NCATE program reviewer, she also represented TESOL at CAEP and on the national workgroup for the Seal of Bilinguality in K-12 USA schools. 

Organizer:  christel.broady@gmail.com

Mary Allegra 
Monica Fernandez 

Pedro Escalante

Bee Jenkins

Amy Nunamaker
Heidi Howland
Curtis Chan
John Mark King
Heather Benucci - Moderator (hbenucci_tesol@yahoo.com)


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