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Hot Topics - MOOCs (redirected from Hot Topics March 23 1130am)

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 years, 5 months ago


Hot Topics: MOOCs

March 23, 2017, 11:30 am - 12:50 pm PST


To join this live event, click here

Recording: https://youtu.be/qqTcPpkzHQs



Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 

Jennifer Rice

Tom Tasker

Jennifer Morris 

Lessons Learned: The Challenges of Developing Three MOOCs     

Justin Shewell

Shane Dixon

Elizabeth Mosaidis 

Increasing Student Engagement in MOOCs through Innovative Course Design     



Presenter Bios: 
Jennifer Rice  (jar@uoregon.edu)
Tom Tasker (ttasker@uoregon.edu)
Jennifer Morris (jlmorris@uoregon.edu)

Justin Shewell (jshewell@asu.edu)

Shane Dixon (shane.dixon@asu.edu) Dr. Shane Dixon is currently the co-lead designer and primary online instructor for the largest TESOL certificate course in the world.  He has designed teacher training programs for groups from China, Korea, Japan, Iraq, Peru, and Mexico, and has created language programs for companies such as General Electric (Brazil), LG (Korea), and Toyota (Japan).   The course design for the online TESOL certificate, Teach English Now, was recently recognized with the 2016 Learner’s First Award, an award given by Coursera to the top course as indicated by learner reviews and course ratings (beating out courses from universities including Harvard, Yale, and MIT). He is the author of two books and several articles, including an Amazon bestseller 100 TESOL Activities.  Dr. Dixon holds a doctorate in educational technology from Arizona State University and a master’s in English language planning and policy from Brigham Young University.

Elizabeth Mosaidis  (elizabeth.mosaidis@asu.edu), Senior International Educator at Arizona State University 

Elizabeth Mosaidis has been teaching English as a Second Language and Foreign Language since 2003.  A year-long volunteer experience grew into a love for teaching, and an impetus to teach abroad. Elizabeth has taught in Japan, South Korea, Puerto Rico, and Spain, before settling down in the Phoenix area, where she trains teachers from Peru and Vietnam, writes articles related to language learning, and assists with the development of an award-winning TESOL Certificate MOOC, Teach English Now!

Maria Tomeho-Palermino - Moderator (mpalermi@bu.edu)

Maria Tomeho-Palermino is a senior lecturer at the Center for English Language and Orientation Program (CELOP) at Boston University where she is currently dedicated to developing and launching online and blended classes.  She teachers EAP, Legal English, Business English and coordinates Boston University's International Teaching Fellow Program.


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