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Digital Literacy

March 24, 2017, 8:00 am - 9:20 am PST


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Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 
  Taewoong Kim
Empowering through Digital Literacy: ESL Students' Responses to Blogging and VoiceThread  This presentation discusses ESL students' reflective thoughts and responses about how a Digital Literacy (DL)-embedded ESL class helps their learning. A total of 124 international students' reflective journal logs and work examples have been analyzed to explore how DL empowers ESL students.   

Baman Kumar Ghimire

Bishwa Raj Gautam

Engaging Young Learners in Online Learning : The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Practices in Nepal  The presentation aims to convey the message how MOOCs are changing the perspective and performance of the high school MOOCers in Nepal. It will also highlight what the challenges are and how we mitigate them ensuring maximum participation and benefit in students developing their digital literacy and English language skills.   
  Suzan Stamper 
 Spam, Hoax Websites, Fake News, Advertisements, and Critical Thinking
This presenter will introduce how spam, hoax websites, fake news, and advertisements were used to teach critical thinking in a tertiary institution in Hong Kong. Topics included logical fallacies (e.g., bandwagon, misinterpreted statistics), appeals (e.g., appeal to pity, appeal to emotion), and strategies for evaluating online sources.   



Presenter Bios: 

Taewoong Kim (tw0622@gmail.com)

Taewoong is a Ph.D. Student, majoring in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with the concentration on second language education at The University of Oklahoma. After he earned his MA TESOL in 2013, he has taught both ESL and Korean as a Second Language for academic and community purposes for six years. Taewoong's research interests include Computer Assisted Language Learning, Metacognition, Self-efficacy, and Learner Identity. Email: tw0622@gmail.com

Baman Kumar Ghimire (baman.ghimire@gmail.com)

Bishwa Raj Gautam is the U.S. Embassy, Kathmandu’s Regional English Language Office (RELO) Program Specialist for South Asia, covering Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, and Sri Lanka. He has received his master’s degrees in English Language Education in Library and Information Sciences from Tribhuvan University. He has taught English at a number of institutions. Mr. Gautam has published more than ten professional articles and one book and has organized international conferences in Nepal as well as presented at more than 10 International Conferences in Nepal and abroad.

Bishwa Raj Gautam (gautambr@state.gov)

Suzan Stamper (suzan.stamper@yccc.edu.hk)

Jack Watson - Moderator (jack.watson@unb.ca)


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