
On the Cutting Edge March 22 1130am

Page history last edited by Elizabeth Plummer 6 years, 10 months ago

On the Cutting Edge: Graduate Student Panels

March 22, 2017, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm PST


To join this live event, click here

recording: https://youtu.be/u8J8c0bobwg


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 
  Ju Seong Lee 
Effects of Informal Digital Learning of English on English Proficiency It aims to investigate the relationship between the nature of informal digital learning of English and its language learning outcomes. 


  Negin H. Goodrich 
Self-Directed EFL Acquisition through Social Media: Advantages and Limitations  Intended for online material developers and EFL educators, this study investigates how the Iranian self-directed EFL learners utilize social media to improve their English skills out of the language classrooms, and their perceptions on the strengths and weaknesses of social media in informal EFL acquisition.   
  Elizabeth Plummer 
Preparation of Online Language Teachers 
This session will focus on online language teaching and the training of online language teachers. Implications for how to prepare teachers for this environment will be presented.  PDF
  Taewoong Kim 
Developing Metacognition through a Web 2.0 Technology-mediated Speaking Assessment 
This session discusses a case-study findings (N=10) about developing metacognition through a web 2.0 technology-mediated speaking assessment. 



Presenter Bios: 

Ju Seong Lee (jlee682@illinois.edu) is a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include computer-assisted language learning (CALL) -- particularly, videoconferencing and informal digital learning of English, English as an International Language (EIL), and teacher preparation/development.

Negin H. Goodrich (ngoodri@purdue.edu) is a PhD student in Second Language Studies at Purdue University. Her research interests in SLS include: ESL/EFL and social media, second language writing, and sociolinguistics. Negin has also a background in Communication and Journalism.
Elizabeth Plummer (elizabethplummer@gmail.com) is a PhD candidate at the University of Iowa. She has taught English at the elementary, university and adult levels and currently teaches educational technology to preservice K12 teachers. Her research interests include CALL, teacher training and distance education. Her dissertation work is focused on the experiences and training of online language teachers.

Taewoong Kim (tw0622@gmail.com) is a Ph.D. Student, majoring in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with the concentration on second language education at The University of Oklahoma. After he earned his MA TESOL in 2013, he has taught both ESL and Korean as a Second Language for academic and community purposes for six years. Taewoong's research interests include Computer Assisted Language Learning, Metacognition, Self-efficacy, and Learner Identity.

Jack Watson - Moderator (jack.watson@unb.ca) is the ELP E-learning Coordinator at the University of New Brunswick English Language Programme in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, and has more than three decades of experience in teaching ESL/ESOL. Jack’s past involvement with CALL-IS includes presenting in the Electronic Village (EV), coordinating the EV Fair Classics and CALL-IS webcast development, reviewing proposals, and contributing as a steering committee member. Interests include outdoor photography, website building and maintenance, blues guitar, and (still) playing with Siamese cats.



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