
EV Fair Classics March 23 2:30pm

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EV Fair Classics

March 23, 2017, 2:30 - 3:20 pm PST


To join this live event, click here. 


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 
   Leslie Opp-Beckman, Andy Halvorsen, and Beth Shephard
 Shaping the Way We Teach English: Next Generation ACE

 "Shaping the Way We Teach English," video-based teacher training materials produced at University of Oregon in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, has progressed to the next generation and is now available as an intensive 4-course online series "Advanced Certification in English Language Teaching" (ACE). http://aei.uoregon.edu/ACE. We are looking to establish partnership with trusted institutions. Individual queries are welcome as well. Come learn more about how to earn your ACE with us!


Christine Sabieh

 Mobile Learning: The Reality of Chatting, Note Taking, and Assignments  Mobile learning and teaching are being considered by the educators who believe in the partnership of technology in their teaching endeavor. The purpose of the study was to explore the academic use of mobile devices as a tool for academic chat, note taking, and course work. Fifty participants were surveyed. The results did not reflect the literature: Social media, education purposes, chat, mobile devices and paper. The findings were discussed. Conclusions and recommendations made.




Presenter Bios: 
Leslie Opp-Beckman, University of Oregon, USA (leslieob@uoregon.edu)
Andy Halvorsen, University of Oregon, USA (ahalvors@uoregon.edu
Beth Sheppard, University of Oregon, USA (bsheppar@uoregon.edu

 Christine Sabieh, Notre Dame University, Lebanon (sabieh@hotmail.com)






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