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EFL-IS CALL-IS InterSection March 23 3pm

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EFL Leaners Empowered through CALL


Thursday, March 23, 2017, 3:00 - 4:45

Room 606-607

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The EFL field benefits from different strategies and methods for teaching and learning, technology being one of the highest contributors in this sense. This panel will discuss varied strategies and ways in which to empower EFL learners while using technological means at their reach. It will present a variety of options that fit different contexts and can benefit learners worldwide. Participants will be able to learn from the panelists and seek clarification on ways to adapt the different processes to their own institutions.


Time  Presenter  Title  Summary  Links to materials 
3:00-3:05  Moderator Welcome and Introductions

will introduce presenters and bios 


3:05-3:25 Yilin Sun Blended Learning for Adults: Strategies and Challenges  The speaker shares strategies and challenges on ways to accelerate success for low-level adult ESL/ EFL learners through blended learning in her IDEA classes. Participants will learn a variety of strategies, techniques and resources that they can use and/or adapt for their own teaching context to motivate and facilitate effective student learning.    
3:25-3:45 José Antônio da Silva Gamefying Learning: The  Learners' Input   Using games in class is a popular strategy with students. However, the class teacher is the sole designer of such activities. Students. on their turn, are reduced to mere consumer of such artifacts created by their teacher. This session shows how it is possible to reverse this trend and  get students to create online quizzes themselves. The presenter will first briefly discuss game theory applied to learning. Next, he will showcase some examples of activities and procedures adopted to have students creating their own quizzes which can be  shared and played in classroom with their peers.   
3:45-4:05 Helaine W. Marshall  Creating Fertile Spaces with Flipped Learning Technology and pedagogy go hand-in-hand to create dynamic instructional activities for direct instruction outside of class and application and language use in class.  This is the essence of flipped learning, an approach well-suited to EFL settings. Samples of how it is currently being implemented in Morocco at the secondary level and in Colombia at the tertiary level will be provided.  
4:05-4:25 Christel Broady Flipped Classrooms, Blooms's Taxonomy,  and the Role of Frontloading:  Putting it all Together Flipped classrooms provide an efficient way of spending valuable in-class time on applying and using new concepts after having guided students through valuable learning experiences at home preparing them for in-class work. However, many teachers do not know how to frontload activities and materials to achieve an effectively flipped classroom.  In this presentation, basic concepts of flipped classrooms, Bloom's taxonomy, and frontloading will be discussed along with tools and platforms.  
4:25-4:45 Q&A      



Presenter Bios 

Yilin Sun 


José Antônio da Silva 


Helaine Marshall 


Christel Broady 








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