CALL-IS Academic Session: A CALL for 21st Century Reading
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CALL-IS Academic Session: A CALL for 21st Century Reading
Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 9:30 - 11:15 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Room 606-607
Click here for time where you are - starts at 14:30 UTC
To join this live event, click here recording: https://youtu.be/aE1KqiKe_ls
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How can technology be part of a reading lesson? How will students profit from learning reading with technology? Reading is the skill most connected to technology and yet not so directly addressed. This session will address the different options technology offers for teaching and practicing reading.
Presenter Bios |
Thomas Robb
Thomas Robb, (PhD, U. of Hawai'i at Manoa) is Professor and Chair of the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan. He has served a 2-year term as Chair of the CALL-IS , and was previously Chair of the EFL-IS. He has developed a number of software programs and plug-ins for Moodle, as well as standalone programs such as MReader.org which currently has close to 100,000 users. He is also the Chair of the Extensive Reading Foundation and on the Steering Committee for WorldCALL 2018 in Conception, Chile.
Christine Sabieh Dr. Christine Sabieh, Professor at Notre Dame University, has held administrative positions in the main English-speaking universities in Lebanon. Her current research topics include Flipped Learning, Problem-Based-Learning, e-Learning, OER, Teaching & LEarning, and Assessment. Christine served on TESOL’s CALL-IS Steering Committee & is an active contributor to TESOL-J & TESOLArabia activities & publications. Christine is the next CALL-IS Chair Elect.
Christel Broady
Dr. Christel Broady is a full professor of graduate education, the chair of graduate advanced programs, director of the ESL teacher education at Georgetown College, USA, and a specialist for CALL ELT. An English as a foreign language learner herself, she is an internationally known keynote speaker and author of books/book chapters, articles, and many other publication types, as well as the manager of an international ELT Professional Learning Community with members in 179 countries via social media on Facebook, BLOG, LinkedIn, and Twitter on CALL Topics. She is the past president of the Kentucky TESOL, former chair of the TESOL EEIS and current CALL steering board member. A CAPE/NCATE program reviewer, she also represented TESOL at CAEP and on the national workgroup for the Seal of Bilinguality in K-12 USA schools.
Christine Bauer-Ramazani
Christine Bauer-Ramazani (MBA, MA, MEd) is an instructor of English and teacher trainer at Saint Michael's College in Vermont, U.S.A. Her specialty is integrating Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) into the classroom, which she has written about and presented on at conferences around the world. Christine co-founded the Electronic Village Online of TESOL and chaired the CALL-Interest Section of TESOL, receiving the D. Scott Enright Award for her service. She regularly teaches online/distance courses for TESOL as well as Saint Michael's College on CALL and curriculum and syllabus design. Her undergraduate business course, together with an adjuncted ESP support course, has provided much insight into and experience with content-based instruction.
Claudio Fleury (organizer)
Claudio is the surpervisor of the advanced adult and ESP courses at Casa Thomas Jefferson, in Brazil. He ihas attended and presented at TESOL and the EV since 2010, and been a reviewer for TESOL since 2011. He has served on CALL-IS SC and coordinated the EV Fairs. Interests include online teaching and learning, teaching adults and preparing materials for conversation classes.
Improving Fluency in READING Through Blended Learning
CALL-IS Academic Session: A CALL for 21st Century Reading
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